#BlogchatterA2Z,  Health

#BlogchatterEBook- “Healthy eating for busy moms”, My second e-book, it is like dream come true!

Hurry! Finally, the wait is over and my second e book “healthy eating for busy moms” got published in association with #BlogchatterEbook.  

It has been an amazing journey of last more than 1 month and now, with the book launching, it has been reached on most beautiful destination. With this blog post, I would love to share some behind the scene action of this incredible journey. Hoping you will like it. 

Planning for participation in #BlogchatterA2Z 2020 

I had participated in #BlogchatterZ2Z 2019 and published my first e book too, with #BlogchatterEbook carnival. After a great success of “Creative kids”, I was in mood to participate in 2020 BlogcahtterA2Z campaign since beginning and I had started my post planning too, ahead. Everything was going well and I was eagerly waiting for April.  

But this smooth journey of planning the posts and get ready with other things related to campaign has taken a U turn, when the whole world got shaken by coronavirus pandemic. This pandemic situation has changed so many things in our routine life. Suddenly we had so much unexpected in our day to day activities. With this sudden and unexpected change, I also become little nervous regarding my participation. But at the end, I had thought to overcome my all inhibitions and finally, participated in this one month long mega blogging campaign. 

This year’s theme selection and Month-long excitement of daily posting and reading 

Personally, I always believe writing and sharing something useful and informative content through my blog posts and I had kept same thought, while planning for this year’s theme.

Being a mom of two young kids, I always had tons of duties and responsibilities. And the constant pressure of these multiple responsibilities, often create an obstacle to eat healthy and maintain a healthy diet pattern. To keep these factors in mind, I had selected the theme “healthy eating for busy moms”, for this year’s #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. 

The series had been planned with an aim to help busy moms and busy individuals to eat healthy despite having a busy schedule. For this series, I had worked really hard and curated some healthy, tasty and quick recipes by combining my personal cooking experience and by doing thorough research. 

Along with healthy recipes, I had also added some other useful topics like healthy eating tips, meal prep ideas and round up post from other expert bloggers. In short, I had tried to cover all the important things that can help you eat healthy with hectic schedule. 

Beginning of month of April was intense, and honestly, I had a kind of adralin rush every day for posting and reading daily. But despite having ups and downs, I had done this. And I am so glad that I had accomplished mission #BlogchatterA2Z 2020 successfully. 

Heartfelt thanks to my readers and friends for their amazing support 

This month-long journey has reached on its destination only because of the amazing support of my readers and dear blogging friends. Their love and appreciation for each post had made me feel more energetic and I had gained an immense confidence to complete not only the series but also be a part of #Blogchatterebook once again. 

“Healthy eating for busy moms”  

So, this year again I am participating in #BlogchatterEbook carnival and I am nervously excited for publishing my second e book “healthy eating for busy moms”. Here is the brief about the book. 

Name of book: Healthy eating for busy moms 

Author- Dr. Surbhi Prapanna 

Genre– Recipes, food, health, nutrition, lifestyle 

Pages– 65 

Available on– Blogchatter website for free download (for limited period of time) 

Book blurb- this e book is a collection of 26 amazing easy, healthy, tasty, veg recipes. All these recipes are based on my personal experience and made up with easily available at home ingredients. Along with healthy recipes, the book also includes healthy eating tips, meal prep ideas and Nutrional benefits of different cooking ingredients. Conclusively, this book is a little effort from my side to help busy persons eat healthy with hectic schedule.  

Here is the link to download the book. https://www.theblogchatter.com/download/healthy-eating-for-busy-moms-by-dr-surbhi-prapanna/

If you liked the subject and find it informative and useful, please download the book and do not forget to share your honest feedback about the book, with me.  

Before ending, this post I want to say a big and heartfelt thanks to blog chatter team for their incredible support during this journey, without their support it would not have been possible. 

Also, special thanks to my readers and blogging friends for supporting me so well during this journey. your support means a lot to me.

At the end, a humble request to all dear blogging friends, if you download and read the book. Please share your honest review on your blog or social media channels. Your feedback will help me to spread the word about the book.  


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