
How to make kids independent

Being independent is a great feeling and as an adult we all enjoy it, but when it comes to teach this good habit to kids, it is somewhat difficult. It requires some practice and patience. There are two obstacles one from parent side, when they need to finish a task in particular time, they do not show confidence in kids and finish it by themselves. On practical aspect it is not too bad. Second when kids do not show any interest in doing any task independently because of laziness or they think that my dad or mom will do this.

Here are some simple methods for solving this problem.
Start from very simple task and then shift to complex- we need to start from very simple and basic task. Before assign them any task explain them importance of independent work in life and how this habit will help them in future? Then explain the detail and proper way and method of any task, even when task is very simple also. By this way they will get an interest in task and would be able to that independently. Proper explanation is the best way to make kids convinced for anything. I have tried this on my kids often with good result. Some good examples of simple tasks are-
·         Dress up by themselves and after changing put their clothes at proper place.
·         Put on shoes and socks by them and put them at shoe rack.
·         Prepare backpack at night before school and put all school stuffs are at proper place.
·         Comb hairs, brush teeth, get ready for school are some simple task that can be a good start for making kids independent.
Shift from simple to complex task– it will be second step. For more complex task like clean-up of room or setting a dinner table or cook a simple meal encourage them for start and then told that I will help you for complete it. Most of the kids do not show any interest to complete it, and then use your all magic words, explain them importance of clean up, teach all simple steps to complete a complex task. We can use an interesting fact or a story about that task, but help is a must part of any complex task. We need to repeat this process so many times until they get habitual to it.
Involvement activities- these activities are a great way for starting any task independently. For ex. To plant a tree in backyard, take help of your little one. To raise their interest explain them whole process. By this way they will get the knowledge of whole process and would be able to that kind of tasks independently with less effort. Some good examples of involvement activities are arrange a salad plate, rinse plates, arrange wardrobe.
Pretend activities– these are a good method for repeating steps of task. For ex. prepare a doll for school or for doctor visit. By doing this kids will learn all steps of this routine task and would be able to do that more independently in future.
Rewarding– rewarding and praise is must for all good behaviour and for completing any task. It will encourage them and build a good level of self confidence in them. We can make a behaviour and task chart for week to evaluate their performance.
Be rigid and take control– when they do not listen or do not show any interest for completing task independently, be rigid and take control and as a consequence we can take their privilege like playing video game for few days.

So just follow these simple steps and repeat it. Within few days you would be able to achieve your goal and your kids will be more independent and happier too.

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