15 Amazing healthy snack ideas for kids! ( part 2 of healthy snacking for kids)
Hi everyone! Excited to share second part of post “healthy snacking ideas” for kids. In first part, I have talked about basics of “healthy snacking”. Read the post here, if you have missed it. In the second part, I am sharing an exhaustive list of tasty and healthy snack options for kids. I am sure these ideas help you to make “snack time” healthier for your family. Read the post to know more! Tasty and healthy snack options for kids Here are some healthy and tasty snack options for kids. I am dividing these options in four categories. No cooking healthy snack options Snacks that need little preparation Snacks that…
A Smart Mom’s guide to healthy snacking for kids! ( part 1)
Kids love snacking. Snack time is their favorite time and they want to enjoy their favorite cookies, chips or cupcake as a snack to satisfied their taste buds. Though these snacking options may sounds tempting and may satisfied your kid’s taste buds temporarily but from health and nutrition perspective, unhealthy snacking is a major cause of childhood obesity. Unhealthy food choices and lack of physical activity are two major factor that causes increase in prevalence of “childhood obesity” at rapid rate. According to research, the prevalence of obesity has become more than double among children age 2 to 5 year (5% to 12.4%) and age 6 to 11 year (6.5%…