Medical information One stop destination for buying high quality Mohs dermatology microscopes!

Buying dermatology microscopes
buying Mohs dermatology Microscopes

Being a science student and a medical professional. I always love to learn and explore different scientific investing and treatment process. Recently, I got a chance to attend an informative seminar on the topic “Mohs surgery and use of Mohs dermatology microscopes in Mohs surgery”. The seminar was so informative and I had learnt a lot about different important aspect of Mohs surgery and Mohs dermatology microscopes.  

With this post, I am sharing my learning experience with you all.  

What is Mohs surgery? What is use of Mohs dermatological microscope and what is best place to buy Mohs dermatology microscope online? Read the post to know more! 

What is Mohs surgery? 

 As per Wikipedia, “Mohs surgery, developed in 1938 by a general surgeon, Frederic E. Mohs, is microscopically controlled surgery used to treat common types of skin cancer. During the surgery, after each removal of tissue and while the patient waits, the tissue is examined for cancer cells 

 The surgery is performed in clinic by using local anesthesia. And usually, patient did not require to admitted in hospital. This surgery is well-known for high cure rate and leaving smallest possible scar.  

Use of Mohs dermatological microscopes in Mohs surgery 

Use of Mohs dermatological microscopes are an integral part of Mohs surgery. Here are the steps that get followed in Mohs surgery.  

  • First the local cancer site is prepared by cleaning the area. 
  • Next, Mohs surgeon cut the visible cancer tissues and close the cut site by applying the bandage.  
  • The cut cancer tissues have been sent to lab to get examine under Mohs dermatological microscope and patient has been wait in the clinic until the lab results come.  
  • If lab results show the report of any remaining cancer tissues, Mohs surgeon again performed the previous steps of removing remain cancer tissues. Entire process repeated until the removal of all cancer cells.  

Having a good quality Mohs dermatological microscope is must for correct diagnosis and better prognosis of Mohs surgery. One stop destination for buying high quality Mohs dermatology microscopes online! (Company name is: New York Microscope Company) is a leader in the field of microscope sales, service and personal protective equipment (PPE).  their goal is to provide best possible products and services at the most competitive prices backed by 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.  

The website offers wide range of high-quality Mohs dermatological microscopes from a variety of manufacturers including Leica, Olympus, Nikon, Meiji, Techno, ACCU-SCOPE, Firefly, Swift, science Scope and many other.  

Have a look on these Mohs dermatology microscopes. 

Mohs dermatology microscopes
Mohs Dermatology Microscopes

Image source:

Along with this great collection, New York Microscope Inc. is also specialized in microscope service in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut tri state area and whenever their service required. Their in-house full-service facility is capable of repairing the most difficult alignments, overhaul, general re-conditioning and restoring.  

They accept purchase order from businesses, hospitals, laboratories and any government agency or municipality. Required businesses can have a confidence and peace of mind by placing order online via this secure website. For customer safety, they encrypt all customer information and transmit all orders using a fully secure online ordering form. They are available for 24/7 days a week by email or phone for technical support or unforeseen problems that may arise.  

Conclusively, “ is one of the best companies to buy dermatological microscopes, Mohs dermatological microscopes, other different microscopes and related products and accessories. The company is committed to satisfy all need of their customers before, during and after the sale.  

If any of you are interested in this field and purchase, and want to get more information about this, you can call them on their toll-free number (877) 877-7274 or can email them at 

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