Book review

#Bookreview: “Life is an ocean: Myriad of emotions”- An informative book by Archana Shrivastava to learn the art of “Emotional intelligence”!

"life is an ocean: myriad of emotions": eBook by Archana Shrivastava"
“Life is an ocean: myriad of emotions”: eBook by Archana Shrivastava

Life has become tougher since last 2 years, due to pandemic stress. Pandemic has affected our lives at various level and as a survival mechanism, we have developed many strategies to come out of this crisis stronger.  

One side, this pandemic has taken away many routine joys of our lives, another side it has taught us many valuable life lessons. We had learnt importance of taking good care of our health, being grateful in life and never take anything for granted, with this stressful situation. 

 Along with this, the pandemic has also taught us the importance of “Emotional intelligence” in life.  

During this hard time, we had plenty of negative emotions such as fear, depression, anxiety and persistent sense of restlessness. This continuous state of fear and anxiety has made us realized that it is really important to know the art of dealing with various emotions positively.  

Emotional intelligence (including taking good care of your mental health and peaceful dealing with negative emotions) has become most important weapon to survive during stressful time of pandemic. It has helped us in stay calm and peaceful, and balance our emotions with rational thoughts. 

 Personally, I became more patient and develop a sense of fast adoptability to deal the pandemic stress positively. Read this post to know more about  6 incredible things I leant during Covid-19.  

This subject (emotional intelligence) has always been my favorite subject to read and learn. I loved to read and explore different vital aspects of emotional intelligence and its use in improving our mental health and overall well-being. 

Luckily, during this year’s #BlogchatterEbook carnival, I had gotten a chance to read and review one of the interesting book on this subject. This book talks about various emotions and offer great (and practical) advice to deal with these positively.  

Yes, I am talking about my dear friend Archana Shrivastava’s book “Life is an ocean-myriad of emotions”

I had read this book recently and loved it so much.  

 What is book all about? What are some unique features of this book? Read the post to know more! 

Book review: “Life is an ocean: Myriad of emotions” 

Here are some details about book:   

Book name– “Life is an ocean: Myriad of emotions” 

Genera– self-help, mental health, non-fiction 

Author– Archana Shrivastava 

Format– eBook  

Pages- 77 

Available on- blogchatter website for free download (for a limited time period)  

Rating- 4.5/5 

Book summary 

In the eBook Life Is an Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions, the author Archana Srivastava has attempted to comprise the different shades of human emotions to which every human certainly encountered at least once or more in life. 
The screening or acknowledgment of all the positive and negative, spoken and unspoken, feelings is essential to flourish one’s personality. 
Be it appreciation, face off with guilt, sacrifice, or listening to the gut feeling, and many more, this eBook will serve all the tactics to deal with these, right the moment it knockdown. In the end which makes a huge impact on one’s thought process. 
Read the book and take the dive to enjoy the ocean of life, the tides of emotions may frighten you. However, it can’t drown you if you know to swim in both ways, with and against the flow. 

Author bio 

 Archana Srivastava is an MBA Graduate specialized in HR and Marketing streams. She started her career with telecom Company Bharti Airtel as an HR Professional. Later, shifted to the academic field and continued to share her knowledge as a faculty in renowned Management Schools of India. Marriage and motherhood gifted her a short break from work. She resumed serving academic services as a Guest Faculty. She pens her thoughts on her blog Her Hindi Poetry “Meri Maa,” dedicated to her mother, has been an anthology “Maa Ek Ehsaas” available on Amazon. She is a published author of an eBook “Bolly Talkies,” released in 2020. She depicted her skills in analyzing the different shades of characters in various Bollywood Movies that have etched a place in the heart and mind of society through their stellar performances.  

My take on book 

I had read this book recently and had a good experience with it. Here are some unique features of this book.  

The theme of this book is relevant and useful (especially considering the recent pandemic situation) 

As I mentioned before, along with other negative impact, covid has affected our mental health so badly and caused long list of mental health issues like depression and anxiety among large number of populations. In recent scenario, it is crucial that people understand the importance of tackling their emotions positively and pay an enough attention to their mental health.  

In this stressful situation, we all need some extra help and guidance to manage our emotions positively. And here, this eBook can be a great help.  

As author mentioned in preface of the book that “In the pandemic sitting too far from our near and dear ones; and fretting over the surging cases of Covid-19, I observed several moments the people, including me, feeling not only helpless but also putting the serenity of a mind at the stake at one point. This oddity gave me the original impetus to look beneath and pull the ray of positivity from the other side of the tunnel.”  

This was the initial thought, that has inspired author to write on this subject. 

And impressively, Author has conceptualized and executed this initial thought in length, so well throughout the book. This eBook contains many important topics (like myths about emotions, emotional validation, and many more) that can offer a great help in dealing with intense emotions positively and ultimately create a huge impact on reader’s thought process.  

Book has collection of wide range of topics (ranging from appreciation cast nothing to way to handle Awkard situations) 

As second impressive feature, book has a collection of wide range topics that is related to our day-to-day life. Here are some of the examples of topics from book, to get an idea how this book can be helpful in dealing with various emotions and stressful situations.  

The book starts with an essential topic “Appreciation cost nothing”. In this chapter, author has talked about the “Art of appreciation” beautifully. She has offered practical and easy to adopt tips to “learn the easiest way to make someone’s day special with art of appreciation. Along with these, she has also mentioned critical points to keep in mind while appreciating someone.  

In same way, chapter 4 is all about learning the art of “Embrace your imperfections”. in this chapter, author has discussed in detail, “Why is it important to embrace your imperfections?” and also suggested some simple things to start steeping towards embracing life with imperfections.  

This wide range of topics make this book a comprehensive (and impressive) read.  

Author has offered practical and easy to adopt solutions for handling various emotions wonderfully!

This one is another impressive aspect of this eBook. In each chapter, you will get a practical and easy to adopt solutions and plenty of useful tips for dealing with the routine issues. Archana has put lots of effort and has given great advice for solving and dealing these problems.  

Here are some examples from book to get an idea:  

Chapter 6 “Mantra of guilt free life” is an excellent chapter that gives a deep insight and offer practical advice and steps to proceed a guilt free life. Author has covered all important aspect of this vital subject that can help a lot to readers to live a positive and free flowing life.  

In same way, chapter 10, is all about teaching us importance of “Let go the past”. In this chapter, author has shared some valuable suggestions that can prove extremely beneficial in leaving the bitter memories of past and enjoy more the present moments.  

All and all each chapter have practical and easy to adopt solutions for handling various emotions and difficult situations constructively.  

The language of book is simple and easy to understand and tone is conversational and user friendly 

This one is another impressive feature of this book. Self-help book may become boaring, if author did not use appropriate language and tone. Author has considered this aspect seriously and pay a good attention on both factors.  

The language of this book is simple and easy to understand and tone of book is friendly and conversational. While reading this book, you get a feeling that a wise and intelligent friend is offering you plenty of meaningful advice to improve your emotional intelligence and mental well-being.  

Perfect combination of expert advice and personal input from author 

The book is not only about author’s personal input but it also contains expert advice at appropriate places. Author has maintained a good level of balance in offering personal input and expert advice. This thing makes this book a balanced and trustworthy read. I really appreciate, Archana’s efforts to provide us valuable information in easy-to-understand manner. 

What can be improved?  

The book also has an inclusion of social interaction problems like handling awkward situations and other mental and social issues like emotional changes in teens.  these topics did not come in category of emotions. Author could have placed a separate section for these topics to give a better perspective to readers.  Other than that, book is a delightful read from beginning to end.  


As a conclusion, I would say “This eBook Life Is an Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions, is an excellent and informative read that can be used as a great tool to cultivate “emotional intelligence” in our day-to-day life. It is a helpful guide to learn the art of dealing with various emotions positively in constructive manner”. I have a great reader experience while reading this book and I highly recommended this book to others who want to learn the art of handling emotions to improve their mental health and overall wellbeing”. 

This book is available for free download on blogchatter website (for a limited time period).  

Here is the link to download it for free.

Many congratulations to Archana for this another wonderful e-book publication and I wish her lots of good luck for great success for the same.  

stay tuned for more amazing eBook reviews from #Blogchatterebook carnival this month.   

Do not forget to download my third e book, “A2Z of common diseases and their homeopathic treatment”. Here is link to download it for free.


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