6 Incredible things I learnt during Covid-19!

I remember, it was 5 months ago, when we (me and my mommy friends) were enjoying a play date in a park, near by school. It was our weekly ritual to have some fun and enjoy some quality time together as a group.
While chit-chat, one of my friends has started a conversation about China’s recent condition. She has shared some of the updates from recent News, and tell us that how a deadly virus (Corona virus) is affecting lives of thousands of people, in China. And then, one by one, others had also shared some inputs from their side. It was a brief conversation and we moved back to our home, without thinking much about on this topic. (as at that time, this was a remote thing for all of us)
At that time, no one has ever thought that this virus will enter in our lives soon and completely turned everything upside down.
Starting of next week was little stressful for us and we had heard so many news of finding large number of corona cases in USA and in fact in nearby cities too. Somehow, we had managed that week and sent our kids to school with a sense of fear and anxiety. But up to end of week, things got changed from worse to worst.
We had received a message from school administration for closing the school. And side by side, all other amenities got shut down. governor has declared a state of emergency in California state. We were allowed to go outside only for essential things (grocery, medicine etc.).
And then within few days, the same thing has happened in most part of the world. The life got stopped suddenly with this dreading pandemic.
After an initial period of fear, stress and anxiety, people got busy in finding the creative ways to deal with this situation and planned so many things to keep themselves engage and fight with this stressful situation positively.
Like all other families, we also had same set of emotions, ranging from fear, stress, anxiety to adoptability and acceptance.
Now, it is more than 5 months of same situation and we are quite in an adjusted mode of this new normal routine.
This time has taught me so many valuable life lessons that I will never forget my whole life.
In this post, I am sharing things that I learnt during Covid 19 times. Read the post to know more.
Life is unpredictable, so be grateful and enjoy each moment
“Life is unpredictable, you plan for tomorrow but you do not know what tomorrow has planned for you- Hiral Papat”.
Yes, first and most important life lesson that I had learnt from this stressful situation.
By nature, we human are highly ambitious. we all make big plans and always have a long wish list of things for next month, year and for our future life. In fact, during hectic busy life schedule, we always live our lives in multiple to-do list, goal planning and waiting for the perfect time, when we live our dreams. We never realized that life has its own way to take turns. Life is so unpredictable, and we never know what is coming next.
This pandemic has reminded this unpredictable nature of life so widely and taught us that life is full of uncertainty. This pandemic has put our all the plan on the hold. Everything got changed in an instant. And make us think about the fact that life is completely unpredictable and things might not always work out the way you want them to happened.
So, it is very important to have a sense of gratitude for our life. we should try to enjoy present moment, the gift of today and not worry about all the things that could happen in future.
Read this post to know more about why we should celebrate every moment of life.
Never take anything for granted
“Never take anything for granted. Learn to appreciate what you have, before it’s no longer yours to appreciate- Divyasruthi Pasumarthy”.
I am sure you would be agreeing on same. God has blessed us with so many beautiful blessings and offerings but during routine hectic life, we never realized that how blessed we are? And routinely ignored the fact that how privileged we are on so many levels. We usually take people or things for granted and fail to appreciate the real value of them, in our lives.
With this lockdown, when our life got restricted indoor, we had realized the value of various precious things in life.
Now, visiting to a park or going to a mall for shopping seems like a luxurious thing.
With this experience, I had learnt that I will never take anything for granted and will respect and care all the things or people, I have in my life.
Adopt fast
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most to responsive to change- Charles Darwin.”
This one is one of the most famous quotes from Charles Darwin and this pandemic has reminded us the same principle once again.
With this challenging situation, we had so many changes in our otherwise settle routine and fixed schedule. Along with these changes, the uncertainty of overall things has doubled up our fear and anxiety. These sudden changes and challenges taught us that we have to develop a “Adopt fast” mode in order to survive during challenging time.
And luckily, we had done that too. And learnt the way to quickly adopted the new reality in all aspects of life. From online classes to restriction of outdoor activities and no social life, we had accepted all changes and adopt this new normal routine in every aspect of life.
Personally, it was a big learning for me. And I am glad that I had managed multiple changes and challenges successfully.
Family time is most precious thing in life
“No amount of money or success can take the place of time spent with your family- unknown”.
Of course, we all our family but during routine hectic life schedule, we never get enough time and opportunity to spend some quality together as a family.
As this pandemic has bound us to stay indoors, and restrict all outdoor activities, we got a chance to spend more time together as a family. In my household, we had done plenty of creative and fun activities as a family and spent quality time together.
Indeed, this pandemic has strengthened the family bond and helped us in creating beautiful memories that we will cherish throughout our lives.
Technology is a boon, if used wisely
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic- Author C. Clarke”.
Honestly, I am a traditional kind of person, who sometimes feel really annoyed with overuse of technology but this pandemic time has cleared this misconception.
During this hard time, technology has become a lifeline of our indoor life and helped us a lot in all aspects of life. One side, with Zoom, Skype and other apps had helped in completing our professional commitments and schooling help for children. Another side, social media had helped in keep us connected with our friends and families.
During this time, I had learnt that technology is a boon for our life, if we used it wisely.
Its ok to “Not be perfect and organized all the time”
“Its ok to not be perfect. It’s ok to make mistakes. Its ok to do something that you wish you hadn’t done, because if we don’t do those things we never grow-Dawn Stanyon”
Last but not the least, this pandemic has given us a time to slow time. We get a chance to pause all hectic schedules and tight routine. This pause has made me realized that it is ok:
- To not be perfect all the time
- To not follow a fixed schedule
- To not be perfect
- To spend time by doing nothing or doing things that we love to do.
So, these were some important things that I had learnt during challenging time of Covid 19. What was your experience with this stressful situation? Please share with me.
Alpana Deo
This pandemic has taught us many things. I feel, we have understood what actually means to live a happy life. Company of our dear one’s, being able to have a four square meal and most important, a feeling that we are safe inside our house. Can we ask for more?
Jyoti Jha
Very well said, Surbhi! Couldn’t agree more. This pandemic has taught us to sharpen ourselves to continue adapting to the new normal now. We need to cherish all the good we can get out of this! Loved every point you have beautifully highlighted.
Akanksha Singh
I have read so many articles on things learned during the pandemic and with article there is a unique thing that I read and learn with the fellow blogger’s experience and in yours it is to “Adopt fast”.. we truly learned that without even knowing.kudos to you for bringing it out in the article Surbhi..
Sindhu Vinod Narayan
Very well written..not taking for granted and adapting quick are my favourite lessons learnt this period
Swarnali Nath
The take aways from you are:
To not be perfect all the time
To not follow a fixed schedule
To not be perfect
To spend time by doing nothing or doing things that we love to do.
Something this pandemic truly taught us. We came to know the real meaning of minimalism and family bonding. Absolutely loved your post. For me, it was one of the best posts I have read from you till date.
Cindy Dsilva
I totally love and agree with your last point. It’s not important to be perfect. But people are going crazy just because they are forced to behave perfectly.
Gurjeet Chhabra
I agree with you and i realize it in this lockdown value person,time. WE have spent wonderful time together in this lockdown. Nothing is like family love.
Urvashi Nenawati
Totally Surbhi. In fact gratitude is the biggest learning. And next is happiness in things we have now. Loved your take on how positively you have made the new normal acceptable and charged with family love.
You have summarised our collective experience of the pandemic time well in this post. I agree with all of your learnings!
I agree with all your learning and it is so important to accept that it is ok to be not be perfect. Thank you so much for sharing. Loved your post
MeenalSonal Mathur
Adaptability is the key feature in this pandemic, you have very well encapsulated the pointers in the post.