
#Winterhealthcare- “Winter wellness- An Overview!

Hello everyone!

And welcome to #Winterhealthcare series. I am really excited to share first post for the series and hoping you would like it.

in this first post, I am talking about an overview of winter wellness. why winter is considered as a best season to make good health? and what are the factors that act as an obstacle in maintaining a good health during winter season? read on to know more!

I am sure this information help in forming some fundamental basics that will help in achieving and maintaining winter wellness. so, let’s first start with positive points. here are some reasons why winter considered as a best season for your health.

Why winter is considered as best season for your health!

I am sure you all had heard already this statement from your elders. it is a common belief that “If we eat well during winter and nourish our body with winter appropriate foods during this season, we can stay healthy all year along.

Here are few highlighting points that make winter a good season for health.

  • According to Ayurveda, our digestive power or agni at its high point in winter and during this time of year, we have a better capacity to eat and digest food. if we utilize this nature’s rule wisely, and feed our body with essential nutrients, we can achieve a good state of mental and physical health.
  • During this season, there are plenty of options are available for colorful fruits and vegetables. we can add these fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet by various healthy soup and strew recipes. and with this way, we can nourish our body with proper nutrients.
  • Winter is also a great time to include various herbs and spices in our diet. during this season, there are various healthy and winter appropriate recipes ( like methi ladoo, badam pak, chywanprash) are available that allow us to include important herbs, spices and dry fruit in our diet. and with this winter special diet, we can nourish our body with amazing curative and therapeutic properties of these substance.
  • Another important point, winter is a perfect season to enjoy and nourish your body with message, hot yoga and mediation. message have numerous health benefits. during winter, we can message our body with different massage oils like sesame or mustard, for getting that benefits. regular message improve body circulation, make skin healthy and glowing, and have a soothing effect on our nervous system. message also help in reducing everyday stress.

So these are some positives of winter season, and we can utilize all these points to maintain a good level of health.

But, this is only one aspect of winter wellness. like all other seasons, winter also has its own set of problems. here are some factors that act as an obstacle in maintaining regular exercise and healthy diet schedule.

Factors that act as obstacle in maintaining good health during winter!

Increase appetite and reduced physical activities

According to certain scientific studies, when there is drop in temperature outside during winter, our body temperature also get lower.
As an automatic response our appetite get stimulated and we tend to eat more during winter. During winter our body works harder and spend energy to keep us warm, so we adopt an overeating attitude as an excuse to eat more.

 Apart from this increase appetite, winter is a time when our routine physical activities get reduced automatically. When there is freezing cold outside we just feel more pleasant to stay inside rather than to face the harsh cold weather outside. During winter these minor interruptions in movement add up and it becomes harder to burn off the extra calories.

Seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that is related to changes in seasons. It is a condition that is characterised by the increased anxiety, oversleeping, mood swings, inability to concentrate, extreme fatigue and depression.

According to Mental health America  serotonin and melatonin are two main responsible hormones that are interlinked with seasonal depression.During winter, decrease in sunlight may disrupt our body’s internal clock and hormonal functions and lead to feeling of depression and sadness.

Apart from this hormonal impact, so many people who suffer from SAD use comfort food (food that are high in carbs and fats) medicinally to make themselves feel better. And this craving and overindulging becomes a major cause of weight gain during winter.

Holidays and festival celebration 

We all wait for “Holidays” all year long. Of course, it is the one of the time of year when we all put our busiest schedule on hold and make it just for our family and friends. 

It is a time of fun and joyful celebration. But on other side, it is also a time when festival foods such as snacks, pies, cookies and cold drinks are in constant view. During this season, as usual we are busy in parties, get-together, and social gatherings where food is the focal point of attraction.

We all had pressure of shopping, family obligations and change to our daily routine. And all these minor interruptions create a stressful situation for those who are trying to maintain a healthy weight.

 Psychological factor

Psychological aspect of winter on weight is too phenomenal. During winter, one side we eat more for survival mechanism, another side during winter we wear more clothes to cope up with coldness and chilly winds.

These Big bulky clothes allow us to cover up our problem area.  Thus we feel  less self- conscious about our body image. and feel less motivated for maintaining a regular exercise schedule.
So these are some factors that act as obstacles in maintaining a regular exercise and healthy diet schedule during winter.

As a sum up,
There are some pros and cons factors that play an important role in winter- wellness. understanding these factors help a lot in making winter wellness journey smooth and fruitful. now, it is all depend on us how we deal with adverse factors and how we take full advantage of positive factors”.

This is the beginning of our winter wellness journey and I am hoping we had formed some good foundation for our journey.
Next posts, will cover other important aspects of winter wellness.
In next post, I will sharing some amazing healthy drink recipes for winter season. so stay tuned!
what are your thoughts about winter wellness? please share!


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