#OpenNTalk #Week 4- “How to Use Neem as a Home Remedy”
It is week 4 of #OpenNTalk Blogging league, and I am feeling little nostalgic, as this is the last week. I am sharing the amazing healing and curative power of natural substances with this series.
And in today’s post, I will share again something that is completely natural and purely magical. and it is our very well- known tree “Neem”.
Neem or Azadirachta Indica is one of the most commonly used medicinal plant in traditional folk medicine for ages. Neem tree is mainly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. It belongs to Meliaceae family and has been widely used in Chinese, Unani, Homeopathic and Ayurveda medicine. Neem and its constituents play an important role in disease prevention and treatment through the enhancement of antioxidant activity and inhibition of bacterial growth.
According to Ayurveda Neem leaf is especially used in balancing Vata disorders and helps in purifies the blood and neutralizes damaging free radicals. It has great antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-viral properties. All parts of Neem tree- leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, root, and bark have been used traditionally for the treatment of inflammation, infection, fever, skin diseases, and dental disorders. It is an incredible plant that has been declared the “tree of the 21st century “by the United Nation.
In fact, neem leaves can be used to make some amazing DIY remedies. Here I am sharing 4 amazing home remedies with neem leaves that work wonderfully to treat various disease aliments.
Neem Hair Pack
Neem has excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties. These properties make it very effective in treating various hair problems. It also helps in keeping scalp healthy and disease free.
- · Bunch of neem leaves
- · Water
- · Grinder or mortar pestle to grind the leaves
First, grind the neem leaves in a grinder (or in mortar pestle) by adding sufficient water and prepare a smooth paste. Apply this paste to scalp and hair and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Then shampoo and condition the hair as usual.
- · This hair mask is very effective in treating dandruff. It relieves dryness, itching and scalp irritation.
- · It also helps in promoting hair growth.
- · It improves the general hair health and turns the dull, dry hair to soft and smooth.
Neem Face pack
Various scientific studies revealed Neem’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties have been used since ages for maintaining a healthy skin. Neem also has been traditionally used as a “skin moisturizer”.
Neem face pack is one of the best home remedies for people who are suffering from common skin problems such as acne, rashes, itching etc.
- · Dried neem leaves (10-12) or 2-4 teaspoon Neem powder
- · Mortar pestle or grinder
- · ½ teaspoon of turmeric
- · Rosewater
- · Honey or fuller’s earth (optional)
- · Take a bunch of dried neem leaves or neem powder in a bowl. Crush neem leaves gently in mortar pestle to make a smooth powder.
- · Add rose water, few drops of lemon juice and honey or fuller’s earth (if you have dry skin use 1 teaspoon of honey and if you have oily skin use 1 teaspoon of fuller’s earth)
- · Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric and mix well to form a paste.
- · Wash the face and apply evenly this face pack on face for 15-20 minute.
- · Rinse off with cool water after the face pack dries.
- · Repeat this procedure at least 2-3 times a day to get the best result (clear skin).
- · This pack kills bacteria and highly beneficial for acne-prone skin.
- · It helps in healing blemishes.
- · It hydrates the skin and provides deep nourishment to the skin.
Neem concoction
Scientific studies show that neem leaf is rich in antioxidants and helps to boost the immune system are gums and tissues of mouth. Neem offers a good remedy for curing mouth ulcers, tooth decay and acts as a pain reliever in tooth problems. It also helps in maintaining oral health in a natural way.
Neem concoction is one of the simplest remedies that provide some excellent benefits to oral health.
- · Neem leaves
- · Water
- · Boil the bunch of neem leaves in 3-4 cup of water
- · Boil it until solution become lukewarm
- · Strain off the solution
- · Neem concoction s ready to use
- · This concoction is used to gargle.
- · Using this concoction helps in deep cleaning of the oral cavity and helps drive the existed bacteria.
- · It also works as a “Natural whitener” for teeth ( when used regularly)
- · It also helps to ensure that your teeth will stay in healthy condition for a long span of time.
- As another option, you can use neem twigs as the toothbrush to prevent gum disease and maintain oral health.
Neem Tea
Neem tea is an excellent herbal preparation that has been often used in Ayurveda for treating various disease aliments. Though it is easy to make, some precautions are mandatory.
- · 3-5 neem leaves ( you can use fresh or dried leaves)
- · 1 cup of water
- · Saucepan
- · Honey, lemon or other spices (like cardamom) according to taste
- Boil 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Put neem leaves in a cup and pour the warm water in it. Steep for 5-10 minutes, neem tea is ready to use. You can flavour your tea with your choice of flavouring including honey or lemon juice.
- As neem has incredibly bitter taste, it is always blended with other herbs or spices in Ayurveda medicine.
- · This tea is great for digestion and help in relieving constipation and other digestion issues.
- · It helps in weight loss.
- · It keeps your internal system clean, by purifying the blood.
- This tea is not safe for pregnant women, lactating women, and children and for couples who are trying to conceive. It may interact with some medication and may cause some side effects if taken in large quantity. Always take professional medical advice before starting using it.
While Neem leaves and these home remedies are generally considered safe and free from side effects. Still, like any other herbs, it may interfere with the action of other medication and may cause undesirable side effects in some individual. If you are suffering from any pre-existing disease condition or taking any medication, it is better to take professional medical advice before using it.
Did you have tried any of these remedies? What was your experience? Please share with us!
This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger’s league hosted by Gleefullblogger andwigglingpen.com in association with summerbarn, Vedantika Herbal and Nyassa
I am a Team Member of Team 5 “Roaring tigress”, our hashtag is #RoarwillRock,
my team leader is Surbhi from http://prettymummasays.com/ and other members of the team are
- Mayura fromhttps://diaryofaninsanewriter.com/
- Gurjeet from http://prismaroundgurjeet.com/
- Ridhhi from http://www.ritzyglitzy.in/
And, next to me, Riddhi from http://www.ritzyglitzy.in/ join this league, and sharing her post, so do not forget to stay tuned!
I was aware of the medicinal and cosmetic properties of neem, but not in such detail.
Am going to try out that homemade face pack you have suggested. Thank you for sharing 🙂
#OpenNTalk #CrossBorderSisters
I have a serious hair-fall problem these days, so i guess hair pack will do some miracle to me 😛
Thanks for sharing such informative post Surbhi 🙂
– Anami from #InvincibleGang for #OpenNTalk #Week4
Bhawna Shah
Neem has an anti bacterial property therefore it is very beneficial herb. I use to take 5 neem leaves daily specially during rainy season, this protects me for any sort of baterial attact in rainy season.
Thank you for sharing the benefits of Neem Leaves.
#OpenNTalk #CrossBorderSisters
neem has so many benefits. I dont know it works for dandruff.Im going to use the hair pack. #BloggerBabes #OpenNTalk
Deliciously Alive
I love the idea of the Neem Hair pack, and it is so easy to make too. I hope to try it. Thanks for this wonderful post, Surbhi #OpenNTalk #JAMSS2018
Very informative. I had a neem plant. but it just doesn't survive. it would be nice to have a plant at home that can be used so widely.
I tried one of these when my LO was little. these baby carriers are great. it takes so much pressure off the back as well.
#Bloggingdivas for #OpenNTalk
I know that need is very useful but didn't know these uses you mentioned. Good one. #Openntalk #Bloggingdivas
Aditi Kapur
Thanks for letting us know the benefits of neem. #CrossBorderSisters
#OpenNTalk https://aditikaps.wordpress.com/
Indian Vlogger Yogeeta
I've used neem powder as a face pack too 🙂
Such a crisp post with effective DIY's !
Surbhi Mahobia
I have a troublesome skin so I use a lot of neem but mostly for topical application. I also remember that as a kid, my grandmother made me eat the fruit of the neem tree once, called as nimboli. It wasn't bad. #roarwillrock